Even As A Bible Reader, You Don’t Know These Facts

Facts you never cared to know about the Bible. …..

The longest chapter =psalm 119 (176 verses)
The shortest chapter=psalm 117(2 verses)
The Bible has 1189 chapters
The middle chapter of the Bible is psalm 118 (before and after psalm 118, there are 594 chapters respectively, so it stands in the middle) you can calculate that.*
The middle verse of the Bible is psalm 118 verse 8. And it therefore talks on #Trust!
BR : jeremiah 17 vs 5-9
You do say you don’t trust anybody, yet you know how sober and depressed you feel when your partner jilts you or cheats on you , you know how you feel when your parents disappoint you in a way or the other, you know what happen when people you entrusted on fail you, in fact you know how you disappoint yourself too..we see and hear so many
mysteries happening, blood murdering , divorces, suicides, betrayal, rapes by close relatives or even not, yes by people you never expected such from its in d nature of man to make mistakes, so don’t be surprised in occurrences But you should know this, man will always be man, man is just a mere creature that depends on the creator, you cant predict man, so its detrimental putting a creature before the creator of all, never you depend on man, even on yourself for anything, man failed God at first, God never fails, put all your hope and trust in God, when God is using man in your favour, just acknowledge God at work, you should appreciate that man too but see that man as somebody that can fail, trust nobody but God in all your doings, in fact never trust visible things , visible things are temporal , temporal things aren’t reliable, except the BIBLE that represents God himself, if you can put all hopes in God, you don’t feel hurt when man disappoints you, you see it as nature , its normal for man to fail, so you just let go…And you don’t trust on tongue but by heart, let God see your sincerity.
Emotional wound is incurable even if cured, the scar can never be erased because you will never forget it in a lifetime.

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