Five Things About Your Relationship You Should Never Post On Social Media

Despite the fact that as much as one in five relationships are born of social media dating, using the interwebs and apps to dish about your relationship is still an experiment in progress. It is quite easy to brag or complain, especially when a Snapchat snap or an Instagram story update goes away in 24 hours. However, that doesn’t make it a good idea.
Here are a number of things that dating experts believe that you should never ever post on social media.
Expensive gifts
While you may be ecstatic about the gifts your partner just gave you, to friends who are living hand to mouth, it can come across shallow and ungrateful.
A lot of people struggling financially look up to social media to get cheered up, so seeing posts of things they can’t afford comes off as superficial. It could also be an insult to your partner, who is likely wrapping up these moments of joy to share with you personally, not for you to boast about for everyone to see online. And finally, it could make you and your significant other a target for theft.
Your breakup
Spare everyone the gory details. If you and your partner break up, the emotional mess is enough to clean up without having to field comments and advice from social media friends.
Posting about how you got dumped shouldn’t be public knowledge. Just change your relationship status to ‘Single’ when and if you call it quits to signal that you’re on the market again. Keep the dirty details to yourself.
Any Personal Information About Your Partner Without Their Permission
Instead of sharing personal details of your partner with all of your FB friends (and thus, their extended network too), you not only lessen your intimacy, but you could make your partner uncomfortable.
You can post things that are personal about you if you want, but don’t post things that are personal about your significant other because it becomes an invasion of their privacy. Don’t post anything personal about your significant other unless they do it themselves.
Taking A Swipe At Them During A Fight
You might be in the heat of an argument and know that you’re right, but your partner’s stubborn attitude keeps them from giving in for at least a few more hours. You may want to get a second opinion from your social media friends or maybe even get consolation in the moment, but resist the urge.
Not only is it tacky, but it can be incredibly hurtful to your partner and have a lasting effect on your reputation. Never put your significant other down on social media, or talk about a fight that the two of you had or are having, you may seriously regret saying anything when you’ve cooled down because people are going to have a negative impression of your partner.
Your ultrasound
After love comes marriage and perhaps, a creative way for you to announce your pregnancy on Facebook. While experts often suggest waiting until your second trimester to share the happy news with friends and relatives because your risk of miscarriage is lower, updating your social media accounts with an ultrasound might be taking your photo albums too far.
It’s great that you’re announcing you’re pregnant, but do you have to post a photo of your unborn baby on social media? The picture can make people uncomfortable to say the least and everybody doesn’t have to know the details of your doctors appointments.
Kissing selfies
If you post one-too-many kissing selfies, your friends and family likely to raise an eyebrow. Posting a mushy selfie may be fine if you do it once, but for people who overshare their tongue-in-mouth ceremony, you may want to consider stepping back a little.
Not only does seeing your romantic, physical moments feel a bit intrusive, but it can be painful for people who maybe haven’t been as lucky in love. Don’t be surprised if you get unfriended and blocked when you overshare such photos.

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